Our First Working Retriever Scout
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Tailer is a daughter of Star and our old Scout she has just made it past her 15th birthday and has the distinction of being our oldest golden ever. For the most part besides being mostly deaf she is still in very good shape, we go for long walks every day and she, so far, will break out and and run for some of those walks. Hopefully she will be with us for years to come!
This is my very favorite picture of Star and me. We are on a pheasant hunt in S Dakota and it is snowing like crazy, sadly not too long after this cancer caught up with Star.
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Some of my favorite Rebel pictures, Rebel in mid air, Rebel & I on a South Dakota pheasant hunt and a close up.

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The first three of these pictures were taken by a professional photographer Jeff Kennedy Photography at a hunt test. I love all three!

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Cruiser is the mother of our newest girl, Scout. These pics were taken in the front yard while throwing her a few bumpers, an activity that she never gets tired of!
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Libby is our next to the youngest “pup” and as you can probably tell from the pictures Libby is a athletic and powerful young lady. Libby is a very happy girl and probably the most photogenic of any of our girls, she loved to pose for the camera.
This is the newest member of the family, Scout. It has been a number of years ago that we lost our old Scout and we always liked that name. This is a female pup from the breeding of our Cruiser & Caleb. Scout enjoys life as you might be able to tell from these pictures.